Return to School 2020/21



Opening all schools fully from the end of August is a key government priority and the entire school staff very much look forward to meeting and working with your daughter. It is our school’s priority to reopen for all our staff and students in a safe and secure manner so that we can learn and work together in a calm, supportive and respectful environment. There are of course considerable changes necessary and these are outlined below. It is imperative that we all accept and enact our responsibility to keep each other safe and we have every confidence in our staff, students, parent-body and school community as we set about this task. We urge both you and your daughter to read the following details carefully and to also discuss the contents.

Every action that we are taking is based on three core principles which are aimed at keeping our school, in as far as is possible, COVID free and therefore ensuring the continued safety and wellness of all. These principles are:


  1. maintaining physical distancing and reducing interactions
  2. practicing good hygiene including hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette
  3. being respectful and considerate of others while always exercising personal responsibility for one’s own safety and well-being and that of all others


Set out below are details under various headings to assist in structuring the content. We know that you will understand that this list is not exhaustive and that there may be changes to what has been set out as the situation continues to evolve and to change. We are grateful for your understanding.




The school has:

  • Developed and is implementing its COVID-19 Response Plan.
  • Has conducted a risk assessment and implemented necessary controls.
  • Updated relevant school policies (including adding an addendum to the school’s code of behaviour).
  • Appointed a Lead Worker Representative who will work collaboratively to assist in the implementation of measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and monitor adherence to those measures and to be involved in communicating the health advice around COVID-19 in the workplace.
  • Maximised available space throughout the school by removing unnecessary items such as storage units, furniture, units, teacher rostrums, etc.
  • Upgraded handwashing facilities.
  • Implemented procedures and rosters to ensure enhanced cleaning of toilet facilities, classrooms and other spaces throughout the school day.
  • Installed sanitising stations in all classrooms, offices, corridors, reception, etc.
  • Installed signage to remind all members of the school community of the importance of being vigilant, to maintain physical distancing, to practice good hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette, the importance and need for face coverings, etc.
  • Upgraded flooring and cleanliness.
  • Implemented a ‘student based classroom’ model of operation to reduce movement throughout the school thereby supporting physical distancing and reducing interactions.
  • Reconfigured the school timetable to facilitate a split morning break and lunch break 1st, 2nd, TY and LCA1 = break from 10.10 to 10.25 and 12.25 to 1.00/ 3rd, 5th, 6th and LCA2 = break from 10.55 to 11.10 and 1.05 to 1.40)
  • Reconfigured all classrooms and other spaces to comply with physical distancing guidelines
  • Implemented one way systems on corridors in a large section of the school due to the width being less than 2 metres. Where corridors are wide enough to implement a two way system directions of travel are clearly identified.
  • Worked with partners to ensure that the school meals programme continues and is available to all students from the middle of September.
  • Developed communications systems with all stakeholders through, for example, our text message, google forms. school website, student hub and social media.
  • Developed an induction program for all students upon their return focusing on issues relating to COVID-19.
  • Implementing relevant training and protocols for all staff.
  • Taking an open and proactive approach to responding to emerging needs and the implementation of solutions and strategies.




  1. Stay at Home if Unwell
  • Stay at Home if Unwell: A Stay at Home if Unwell Policy applies to all staff and students in the school. The prompt identification and isolation of potentially infectious individuals is a crucial step in protecting staff, students and the wider school community. Our school has a policy of “Staying at Home if Unwell”. If your daughter is unwell do not send her to school.


  1. Cases or Suspected Cases of Covid 19
  • Cases or Suspected Cases in the Household: Our school asks for the cooperation of all parents/guardians to report any cases (or suspected cases) of COVID-19 that occur in your household. If someone in your household is suspected to have COVID-19, it is important to keep your daughter at home and to inform the school. In instance where advice has been given by  the HSE this should be followed at all times.
  • Procedure if a Student Displays Symptoms of COVID-19 While at School: The following procedure will be followed if a student becomes symptomatic:
    • If a student is displaying symptoms consistent with COVID-19, they will be brought to the designated isolation room following a designated route by a member of staff. The staff member will keep at least 2 metres away from the symptomatic person, while also making sure that others observe the correct physical distancing protocols.
    • The Principal/Deputy Principal will be called and shall attend the primary isolation room ensuring that they too wear the required PPE.
    • The parent/guardian will be contacted so that the student can be collected as soon as possible. The parent/guardian will be required to contact their doctor and to continue self-isolation at home following the guidance of their doctor or the HSE. (It is essential that the school has an accurate phone number for you at all times)


  1. Face Coverings

In line with health advice and guidance from the Department of Education and Skills, all students and staff must wear cloth face coverings similar to those worn in shops or on public transport, when a physical distance of 2 metres cannot be maintained. In practice this means that cloth face coverings must be worn in most locations in the school building.

  • Students should provide their own cloth face covering. Re-usable and washable face masks are preferable to disposable masks and students should have a clean mask each day. Students are reminded to also have a small plastic bag for use when not wearing the mask – for example when walking to school etc.
  • These should be proper, for purpose face coverings and cannot be scarves, bandanas, etc. They cannot contain any insignia that may be deemed offensive or reference illegal or socially unacceptable behaviours. Students will not be permitted to wear face coverings of this type in the school building under any circumstances.
  • They should cover the mouth, nose and extend under the chin.




  1. Dropping Students to and Collecting Students from School
  • Students are encouraged to walk to school if at all possible in order to maintain physical distancing and to reduce interactions.
  • Where students need to be dropped to school, then students and/or parents/guardians should not congregate.
  • Parents/Guardians should drop students close to the school, who should then walk the short distance from this point to the school.
  • Likewise, where a student needs to be collected, they should walk a short distance from the school to an agreed meeting point (remember to always maintain physical distancing at this meeting point).
  • Please note that the school building will not open to students until 08.15am each day – this is to ensure procedures are fully followed by all.


  1. Arrival at school

At all times the actions of all members of our school community are based on the three principles outlined above. In order to ensure this, the school building will not be open until 08.15am. Students are requested not to congregate outside or in the vicinity of the school before this time. Students are required to:

  • Enter the school through the entrance assigned to them and not to use any other entrance. This is to ensure physical distancing, to reduce interactions and to ensure proper hand sanitisation takes place.
  • Sanitise hands immediately upon entering the building using the sanitising station located at the entrance.
  • Make their way to their base classroom and not to gather in the corridors, toilets, etc.
  • Sanitise hands upon entering the classroom.


Late Arrival to school: All students will be designated an entrance and exit point when accessing the school. However, if a student arrives late, that is after 8.45am, they must enter the school through reception. Students must sanitise their hands immediately upon entering the building using the sanitising station located at the entrance. A person in reception will sign the late book on behalf of the student who will then report to their class. Due to the requirement to always adhere to proper procedures, physical distancing and the need to reduce interactions, repeated lateness cannot be facilitated


Absence Notes: It is extremely important that all students who are well attend school in accordance with the school calendar. In the case of a necessary absence, a note must be written by the parent/guardian in the student’s journal and presents it the Year Head on the first day of the student’s return. This note must specify clearly the reason for absence as required by law. This must be stamped by the Year Head.


  1. Classroom Arrangements
  • A student based classroom system has now been introduced. This involves teachers going to the students in their classroom rather than the other way round. This has been implemented in order to reduce the volume of movement throughout the school and therefore to reduce interactions.
  • Students within the same year group have been placed in classrooms that are as close together as possible (ie 2nd year classes are beside each other, etc). This is to minimise movement between rooms when students are required to move (for example when there are option subjects timetabled).
  • Immediately upon entering the classroom students are required to sanitise their hands using the sanitising station located near the door.
  • Each student will have a designated seat within a classroom. Students are not free to change this for any reason. This is to ensure that we always have an accurate record of where students are.
  • Students are required to wipe down their desk and seat as well as other equipment that they have used. Sterilising wipes will be provided.
  • Used wipes and litter must be disposed of properly using the bins provided.
  • Students should not share personal items such as pens and other materials. Therefore, students may require their own personal supply of materials for subjects such as Art.
  • If a student needs to move about the classroom (for example to access materials) they should do so only under the direction of and with the expressed permission of the teacher.
  • In exceptional circumstances, should a class group be too large to be accommodate in a single room, a smaller group may be moved to a different room to which the class will be live streamed. Should this be the case, then the group in the live streaming room will be rotated. Every effort will be made to accommodate all students in a classroom setting.


  1. Lockers
  • In order to maintain physical distancing and to reduce interactions lockers have been removed from corridor areas and classrooms.
  • Lockers will not be issued to students.
  • This will be reviewed a number of weeks into term and appropriate decisions and actions will then be taken.
  • While this is not ideal given the current number of books that students have, it is a responsible action. Arrangements are being made to reduce the number of books students need in school and these will be communicated to students on their return to school.
  • In order to facilitate thorough cleaning each evening, students are not permitted to leave any belongings in school overnight.


  1. Toilets
  • Each Class Group will be allocated a Toilet Block to utilise during the school day. The purpose of this is to limit the number of persons accessing each toilet block and to ensure that students have access to the block that is closest to their base room.
  • Students are encouraged to use the toilets during break times. This also assists in ensuring that all toilets can be cleaned when students are in class.
  • If a student needs to use the toilet during class time they should request permission from their teacher who will record this on VSware. This is necessary so that all persons movements throughout the school can be tracked to facilitate contact tracing should the need arise. No more than one person will be permitted to leave a class at any one time.
  • Students using the facilities must adhere to physical distancing as much as is reasonably possible.
  • No more than two people should be in the toilet area at any one time.
  • Students must follow the soap and hand washing pictorial guides displayed in the toilet blocks. They must always wash their hands thoroughly for at least 20 second after using the bathroom. In addition, students should sanitise their hands using the sanitising station located nearest to the toilet. All litter must be placed in the bins provided.


  1. School Uniform

Full school uniform must continue to be worn by students each day. Uniforms should be washed regularly. Our uniform policy can be found on our website.


  1. Break Time and Lunch time

In order to maintain physical distancing and to reduce interactions, a split small break time and lunch time is being introduced. The times of break are outlined in the following table:


10.10am to 10.25am 10.50am to 11.05am
1st Year, 2nd Year, Transition Year and LCA1 3rd Year, 5th Year and 6th Year (6th Year and LCA2)
12.25pm to 1.00pm 1.05pm– 1.40pm
1st Year, 2nd Year, Transition Year and LCA1 3rd Year, 5th Year and 6th Year (6th Year and LCA2)
  • Vending Machines have been disconnected/removed from the school.
  • Water Fountains / Dispensers have been temporarily Students are required to bring their own water to school.
  • The school canteen is not available to students.
  • All students will have their small break and lunch in their base rooms at the designated times.
  • All litter should be disposed of properly in the bins provided.
  • Students should not enter the base room of another class group during break time.
  • Initially, for a number of weeks following the student bodies return to school no food will be available to purchase on site. Students are required to bring with them to school each day food for small break and lunch break. Fizzy drinks and crisps are not permitted in the school in line with the school’s Healthy Eating Policy.
  • After this period has elapsed, food will be made available to purchase in school from an external company. Food can be preordered by students and will be delivered to the students’ base class prior to their break times. All parents/guardians will be provided with a detailed outline of how this process will operate in the coming weeks.


  1. Corridors
  • Due to the width of the school corridors being less than two metres in a large section of the school, a one way system is being operated to avoid congestion on the corridors. During the summer break an outdoor corridor was constructed. As a consequence of this, a one way system is now in operation throughout this section of the school. This is clearly indicated by floor signage on each corridor in the form of large red arrows. Students must walk in a single file and follow this one way system at all times.
  • In one section of the school a two way system applies as the corridors are wide enough to do so. The removal of vending machines and student lockers from these corridors has enabled the school to facilitate this. This two way system is clearly indicated by floor signage on each corridor in the form of large red arrows. Students must walk in a single file and follow this two way system at all times.


  1. Leaving School

At the end of the school day students are required to:

  • Ensure that all litter is placed in the bins provided.
  • Ensure that no personal belongings are left in the classroom or anywhere else in the school.
  • Sanitise their hands using the sanitising station as they leave the classroom.
  • Limit interactions in the corridors and in other areas, making their way to the exit with minimum delay.
  • Leave the building using the exit assigned to them.





  1. Communications

The most effective means of communicating with parents/guardians is by text message and email. It is therefore essential that the school always has a current mobile number and email address for parents/guardians. Please contact the school office to add your email address if you are not sure whether or not we have it on file. It is also essential that we have a current mobile phone number at all times. The school will also utilise the following communications systems where appropriate (this list is not exhaustive and not all systems may be utilised at any one time):

  • Directly with students in school (eg within class, over the intercom, announcements, posters, etc).
  • Over the telephone.
  • By SMS text message
  • By student email
  • By parent email
  • School websites (
  • The Student Hub
  • Via social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)


  1. Meetings

One of our principles in preventing COVID from entering our school is to reduce interactions. For this reason face-to-face meetings will only take place if this is deemed absolutely necessary. Alternatives to face-to-face meetings must always be explored first (for example phoning or using technology such as Google Meet, etc).

If a face-to-face meeting is deemed absolutely necessary, this decision will be made by the Principal (or Deputy Principal in her absence). The following procedures will apply:

  • All meetings regardless of their intended length or nature must have the prior approval of the Principal (or Deputy Principal in her absence).
  • All visitors must strictly follow our school’s procedures regarding hand sanitisation, respiratory etiquette, physical distancing, the use of face coverings, etc.
  • All visitors must not arrive earlier than the agreed time.
  • All visitors must report to reception upon arrival.
  • All visitors must complete a detailed sign-in and sign-out log.
  • Meetings should be as brief as possible, but in any case should never exceed 30 minutes.


  1. Collecting Students From School (during the school day)

Full attendance at school is extremely important (unless a student is ill or has symptoms consistent with COVID-19). Students should only have to leave the school during the school day for essential appointments that cannot be scheduled after school hours. Remember that one of the core principles is to maintain social distancing and to reduce interactions. A significant support in achieving this is to avoid unplanned movement within the school.  If it is necessary to collect your daughter from the school during the school day the following procedures apply:

  • Parents/Guardians must fully complete a note in the relevant section of the student’s journal. This note must state the time at which the student is to be collected at and the reason for the request to be collected. The departure time must coincide with a scheduled break in class (i.e. students will not be permitted to leave mid-class).
  • This note must be stamped by the student’s Year Head.
  • The student must then place the stamped note in a box in the school reception area when leaving the building for their appointment.
  • School Entrances will be closed at all times with the exception of the beginning and end of the school day.
  • Parents/Guardians who wish to collect their daughter during the school day must call the school office on 061 349014 to let the school know when they will be arriving.
  • Once you have arrived outside the school reception  door please sanitise your hands with the sanitising gel provided, and push the intercom button to speak to a person in reception.
  • Your daughter will then be located, brought to reception and will be signed out by a person in the school office. The time of departure will be recorded on the attendance section of VSware (parents/guardians have access to this system).
  • Once your daughter has arrived to reception you will be permitted to enter the building to collect her from reception. All persons are required to wear suitable face coverings in the reception area.


  1. Dropping Items to Reception

One of our principles in preventing COVID from entering our school is to reduce interactions. Therefore your support in not dropping items to the school is greatly appreciated. Students should have all items they require when they arrive at school each day – perhaps a checklist might be a good idea to ensure your daughter has all items that they need each day. If there is an urgent need to drop something during the school day the following procedures apply:


  • Parents/Guardians must call the school office on 061 349014 to let the school know when they will be arriving.
  • Once you have arrived outside the door to the school reception area please sanitise your hands with the sanitising gel provided, and push the intercom button to speak to a person in reception.
  • A person in the office will then allow you access to the reception area. All persons are required to wear suitable face coverings in the school building, observe physical distancing and practice good hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette.


If parents/guardians need to access the school office in relation to forms or the payment of fees etc. during the school day the following procedures apply:

  • Parents/Guardians must call the school office on 061 349014 to let the school know when they will be arriving.
  • Once you have arrived outside the door to the school reception area please sanitise your hands with the sanitising gel provided, and push the intercom button to speak to a person in reception.
  • A person in the office will then allow you access to the reception area. All persons are required to wear suitable face coverings in the school building, observe physical distancing and practice good hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette.


  1. After-School Study / Homework Club
  • After school study and SCP homework club will not take place on return to school.
  • This will be reviewed a number of weeks into term and appropriate decisions and actions will then be taken.


  1. Extra-Curricular Activities
  • All after school activities i.e. sport, debating, drama etc. will not take place on return to school.
  • This will be reviewed a number of weeks into term and appropriate decisions and actions will then be taken.