Limerick Mental Health Week – Connect Café

This announcement will be read at all Year Head Assemblies this week by a member of the Mental Health Committee to support Limerick Mental Health Week, which runs from October 4th to 11th.

This is a 40 second announcement brought to you by the Mental Health Committee.

World Mental Health Day is observed around the world on the 10th of October every year and this year the focus is on young people and mental health in a changing world.

Research shows that the stigma sometimes associated with Mental Health means that many people keep their problems hidden and are reluctant to ask for help.

Being open and honest about our mental health is important. The first steps are to find the right person to talk to. Talking to someone can help you to look at things in a different way and find solutions.

In Ardscoil Mhuire, Year Heads and teachers are available if you need someone to talk to and can support you in getting the help you need.

The Mental Health Committee invites all students to visit the Student Mental Health Area outside Room 10. This is a quiet area for students to get more information on Mental Health and gives information on the support available to young people.

Remember, it’s okay not to be okay.

There is a Connect Café taking place for all Mental Health Committee members on Friday October 11th from 1.05-1.40 in Room 5. All members are invited to attend.

Thank You