Ardscoil Mhuire has a long-standing tradition of promoting and fostering excellence in all year groups and at all levels. Ardscoil Mhuire is a school where students are motivated, encouraged and supported to achieve their full potential. Our school targets support students in achieving their full potential.

How can parents/guardians support students in reaching their full potential?
  • Discuss academic progress with students and encourage them to do their best
  • Encourage full attendance
  • Check and sign the Student Journal weekly
  • Encourage students to use supports in the Student Journal, such as the literacy checklist, numeracy resources, attendance tracking, academic tracking, etc.
  • Encourage good homework practice (see Student Journal for advice)
  • Be familiar with school polices, calendars and deadlines
  • Encourage participation in extracurricular activities
  • Attend school events such as Parent/Teacher Meetings, Subject Option Nights, information evenings, etc.
  • Join the Parents’ Council
  • Stay up to date on school initiatives and achievements by engaging with the school’s social media platforms and website
  • Promote student wellbeing by listening to, communicating with and supporting students to embrace all aspects of school life. ASM always strives to support you, the primary educator, to foster happy, confident, responsible and resilient students.