Principal’s Welcome

I would like to extend a warm welcome to all who visit our school website. Ardscoil Mhuire traces its origins to the first Mercy Convent founded in Limerick by Catherine McCauley in 1883. We are an all-girls voluntary secondary school under the trusteeship of CEIST. Our core values of promoting spiritual and human development, achieving quality teaching and learning, showing respect for every person, creating community and being just and responsible permeate all that we do. Under the trusteeship of CEIST we aim to provide a holistic education in the Catholic tradition. Our aim is to foster our pupils` intellectual, human, cultural and spiritual potential to the maximum, enabling them to develop as mature, responsible and compassionate individuals. In keeping with the Mercy ethos, we welcome girls of all religions and none and all nationalities and traditions to our school. Our school community strive to work together for the benefit of every student.

As you browse through our website, you will be afforded the chance to meet our school community and get an insight into and an overview of life in our school. In Ardscoil Mhuire we are committed to ensuring that your daughter is cared for and supported, assisted and motivated to achieve academically, afforded the opportunity to develop socially and personally through their engagement in extra and co-curricular activities and aided in developing a strong moral compass.


As Principal, I am thrilled to lead the school forward, building on the tremendous achievements of its past, and being part of its unfolding and exciting future. I am also very privileged to work with a staff that is highly professional, hardworking, talented and caring. Their commitment and dedication to all students together with their strong spirit of volunteerism has led to the creation of a vibrant and energetic school environment.


Ardscoil Mhuire is a happy, busy, vibrant and hard-working school community.  I hope you enjoy your virtual visit and that it will encourage you to become a regular visitor to and friend of Ardscoil Mhuire.


Ms Bríd Herbert

Principal, Ardscoil Mhuire